Tips to Maintain Your Event Safety Along with Security During COVID-19?

How Can You Organise an Event Amid the Pandemic?

General Guidelines for Holding Event During COVID-19 in Dubai

  • To ensure no infected person is a part of the event, the event agency Dubai can ask for a written verification for immunity. The verification can be a swab test result done a day or two ago.
  • The event management companies in UAE can also arrange for a quick test on the audience’s spot. The rapid test can be coordinated in advance with relevant health authorities. The test must be complimentary
  • No unauthorized person can enter the event premises.
  • Moreover, the audience must carry, and thus, wear face masks. The organizers can also supply face masks for those who forget to bring it.

General Hygiene Guidelines for Events During COVID-19

  • Doors of the event venues must be kept open till the last guest enters the forum. This will prevent transmission of the virus from touch.
  • Door handles, staircase handles, and other common touch points must be sanitized based on a regular time interval.
  • Dispensers and disinfectants must be available at different entrances and exits locations.

Rules for Staff and Contributors During COVID-19

  • There are definite sets of rules and regulations for the event staff. The event management companies in UAE implement these protocols currently:
  • The event staff working for one particular task must work in small groups for a definite time in that area. They must maintain social distancing among them.
  • All the participants and the staff must carry masks and must wear them.
  • They must also carry a hand sanitizer along with them and never shall break any of the rules. Failing of the rules might lead them to expulsion.

Requirements for an Event During COVID-19

Measures Required to Be Taken Around the Presentation Areas

The Entrance/Cloak Room

Presentation and Catering Areas

Sanitary Facilities

  • Access to sanitary facilities must be monitored too. Floor markings and walking barriers can be installed to maintain the distance between two guests. There can be sensor-based equipment inside the washroom for zero-touch sanitary facilities, and an installed hand sanitizer device can be kept outside the doors to use it every time before opening the door.
  • In general, the following rules are applied to all areas:
  • For events, the event plans must be prepared according to the authorities’ permission and submitted to the relevant authorities.
  • Advance capacity planning is another essential aspect of pre-planning any event amid COVID-19. This planning will help the event management companies in Dubai to make sufficient arrangement prior to the event.

Additional Hygiene Concepts for the Events

  • A comprehensive hygiene concept will be planned by a specialist based on ISO standards and HACCP’s ideas.
  • A hygiene officer can be appointed to keep an eye on all the event’s activity.
  • Another standard plan can be made based on HACCP monitoring and evaluation of consent with the event’s standard plan.

Measures to Be Taken on Arrival and Departure of the Guests

Additional Points to Be Kept in Mind

Ventilation of the Venue

Food and Catering Services

Final Thoughts



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